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Clare Maxwell

School of Design
Arts, Humanities and Cultures
The Language Centre, LCS
4 days per week during teaching periods
PGT, Foundation Year
What I do
I coordinate, design and deliver academic language and literacy provision to PG students across all Masters programmes in the School. I also deliver ad hoc workshops on the IFY Design module and offer consultations to all PGT students.


Maxwell, C. 2021. Exploring Clarity in the Discipline of Design. In Whong, M. and Godfrey, J. 2021. (eds). What is Good Academic Writing? Insights into Discipline-Specific Student Writing. London: Bloomsbury. pp.57-82.

Carr, C., Maxwell, C., Rolinksa, A., Sizer, J. 2021. EAP Teachers working in, with and through the Creative Arts: An Exploration. In MacDiarmid, C. and MacDonald, J.J. 2021. (eds). Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes. Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. London: Bloomsbury. Ch.10.

Maxwell C. 2020. Reflections from the front line: my first foray into online teaching. Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching.


Posts by Clare Maxwell